
Computer kkills for resume: your essential guide


These days, a basic understanding of computers and software is expected from job applicants for most positions. But with an ever-expanding number of programs and platforms on the market, prospective employers need to know what specific computer skills you possess when you apply for a job.

Naturally, the skills needed will vary depending on the industry and specifics of the job for which you’re applying. Some positions may only involve sending emails and, perhaps, using communication and collaboration tools, while others will have very specific requirements, like knowledge of Office suites or accounting software.

What computer skills on your resume matter most? And what can you do to make yourself more attractive to a prospective employer? We’ll look at what capabilities you should have, what to do if you lack some of them, and how best to present your computers skills on your resume.

Essential computer skills to put on your resume:

  • Operating systems
  • Office suites
  • Communication tools
  • Content Management Systems and web tools
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Cybersecurity skills
  • Industry-specific software
  • Social media
  • UX/UI and design skills
  • Data Science and Analysis
  • Project Management software

Computer skills to put on your resume: Operating systems

Although there are a number of different operating systems that a business may use, Windows and MacOS are by far the most common. You probably have a favorite, but it will put you at a real disadvantage if you don’t have some understanding of how the other one works.

If you’ve gone through life only in the Mac ecosystem or just Windows world, watch some instructional videos online and borrow a friend’s laptop to get a greater understanding of how the operating systems differ.

Computer skills to put on your resume: Office suites

In the same way that there are two common operating systems, there are two dominant software collections when it comes to office work – Microsoft 365 (formerly Microsoft Office) and Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Virtually every job will need you to utilize the word processing tools, either Microsoft Word or Google Docs, to do your job. And, with email being the main form of communication in the 21st Century, a working knowledge of Outlook and Gmail is a minimum.

The other programs that you need to know from the office suites will depend on the requirements of the job you’re applying for. If the job involves presentations, you’ll need to know how to use PowerPoint or Google Slides. If it involves spreadsheets, you’ll want knowledge of Excel or Google Sheets.

Ideally, you’ll have an understanding of all the parts of these office suites so that you can say “Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace” on your resume, rather than having to list each program individually.

Computer skills to put on your resume: Let’s talk communication tools

In addition to email, there are a wide array of communication and collaboration tools used by businesses to aid productivity. And, with remote working becoming more and more prevalent, the use of these platforms will only increase.

There are many different collaboration tools around, with Slack, Trello, Basecamp, Google Drive, Zoom, Skype, and Dropbox being some of the most well-known. Employers aren’t going to expect you to be proficient in every one on the market, but by including those you’ve used on your resume, they can be confident you’ll be capable of learning whichever one they use. Make sure you check with the job description to see if the platform they use is listed, and do some research on it in case it comes up during an interview.

Computer skills to put on your resume: Digital and coding

An online presence is essential to virtually every business. If you have expertise in Content Management Systems (CMSs) like Wordpress, Drupal, Shopify, and so on, or metrics tools like Google Analytics, include it on your resume. Likewise, if you have experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), make sure to detail it.

Naturally, if you have some coding skills, whether it be in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or something else, it will make you even more attractive to prospective employers.

Computer skills to put on your resume: Social media

Many companies utilize social media platforms as part of their marketing. If you have specialized knowledge of Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), or even YouTube, it’s worth specifying it in your resume.

Computer skills to put on your resume: Job-specific software

There are a whole host of computer capabilities that may be useful for one job but are irrelevant for another. So tailor your resume to include the abilities that are appropriate for the position for which you’re applying.

Areas of expertise that are worth adding to your resume, when relevant, include:

  • Accounting software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Design software
  • Cybersecurity skills
  • Data Science and Analysis
  • UI/UX Design
  • Project Management software


Computer skills play a significant part in just about all modern businesses. Make sure you tailor your resume to include the experience and skills that reflect the needs of the specific job you’re applying for. But don’t be afraid to include technological abilities that aren’t specifically asked for, if you believe they could make you a more attractive candidate for the potential employer. It might just make the difference in a competitive job application process.