
Top 10 highest paying tech jobs in 2024


Okay, this list comes with a small caveat. Predicting the highest paying jobs in the future isn’t easy. Especially in a field like tech, where new fields can bloom more or less overnight (just look at the generative AI hype that steamrolled through the industry at the tail-end of 2022). Still, there are many existing tech roles that are likely to remain in high demand, from DevOps Engineer to Cloud Architect. These, not coincidentally, also happen to be the highest paying tech careers. And they show no signs of slowing down.

Here’s our list of the Top 10 paying jobs in technology.

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers bridge that crucial gap between software development and IT operations. It’s their job to automate and streamline a lot of the software delivery process, especially in continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. The average salary ranges from around USD $110,000 to $165,000.

Cloud Architect

With most of the world moving to the cloud in the last 10 years, the demand for Cloud Architects has never been higher. Cloud Architects work with platforms like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud to design and manage cloud infrastructure. Salaries tend to benchmark around USD $150,000.

Software Engineer

Software engineers design, develop and maintain software applications and systems. With the recent high-profile layoffs in the tech industry, there was some concern that engineering could be taking a hit, but the latest data out of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 26% increase in employment over the next 10 years, with an average base salary, starting at around $117,845 per year.

Information Security Analyst

Want to help safeguard an organization’s data and information systems? Information Security Analyst might be for you. Not only is this a vital field, but it’s set to boom. The US job outlook predicts a 32% demand spike over the next 10 years, with salaries averaging at $102,000.

Data Scientist

In 2018, Data Scientist was ranked as the ‘Best Job in America’. In 2022, it had slipped to Number 6. Still, with the ever-growing reliance on data-driven decision-making, the demand for good data scientists has never been higher. Expect a salary of around USD $127,000, with plenty of room for growth, depending on the sector.

Machine Learning Engineer

Are we living in a bubble? It’s too soon to tell. What we do know is that AI has recently generated the kind of industry hype not seen since the Dot Com Boom (and we all know how that turned out…) Machine Learning Engineers who can design, develop and implement machine learning models are set to command big salaries: USD $150,000 should be your asking price.

Blockchain Engineer

Blockchain tech is poised to revolutionize finance, healthcare, supply chain management – you name it. The world needs more Blockchain Engineers, and it needs them fast, which is why salaries start at nearly $140,000. DevSkiller has already reported a 552% demand bump in 2022.

Mobile App Developer

The mobile app landscape remains robust in 2023, so there’s no reason to think that app developers are going anywhere. As long as people use smartphones, society will need devs. Salaries in this field are already benchmarking around USD $102,000, and some are predicting demand for Mobile App Developers will jump to 24% by 2026.

Full-Stack Engineer

Front end, back end, Full Stack Engineers can do it all. That’s why they’re in such high demand. Their end-to-end skillset will always be valuable to business, and it allows them to command some of the strongest salaries in the sector. Start at USD $147,000 and work your way upwards.

UX/UI Designer

UX and UI are in an awkward phase right now. Demand is still sky-high, but the proliferation of UX Bootcamps over the last five years had kind of saturated the job market. This means UX and UI designers can command great salaries – between USD $80,000 and 136,000 – but competition for senior roles is fierce. Go in with your eyes open.